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Animal rescue participation

please note

Only use this form in situations where the animal is in imminent danger or abandoned on public roads.


Participation Form
Select a maximum of 5 files, such as jpg, png, pdf, mp4, mov or mpeg4 with a maximum total size of 7MB.
To select several files at the same time, hold down the "Ctrl" (for Windows) or "Command" (for Mac) key on your computer and click on the files you want to send.
Information on personal data protection

Responsible for treatment - The Municipality of Lisbon, through the Provedoria dos Animais de Lisboa, located in rua Áurea, 49, 4º, 1100-060 Lisboa, contactable by phone (+351) 213227045 and e-mail
Purpose and lawfulness of the processing – The processing of personal data is carried out exclusively to manage the applications submitted under the Animal Help need, based on the consent (al.a) of paragraph 1, art. 6 of the GDPR) and art. 31 of the GDPR.
Consequence of the non-provision of the data - The non-fulfillment of the mandatory personal data makes your application unfeasible.
Categories of personal data – The personal data collected are: name, telephone, email and address.
Recipients of the data - The Municipality of Lisbon.
Retention of personal data – The data collected are kept for as long as necessary, as long as the purpose for which they were collected or until this consent is withdrawn, after which they will be kept, after anonymization, for statistical purposes and internal reports.
Rights of the holders of personal data - The holders have the following rights over personal data concerning them: [1] To be exercised before the Municipality of Lisbon: right of information; right of access; right to rectification of inaccurate data; right to the payment; right to limitation of treatment; right of data portability; right of opposition to treatment; right not to be subject to exclusively automated decisions, including profiling; in situations of consent, the right to withdraw consent at any time, without compromising the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent previously given. [2] To be exercised before the Data Protection Officer (via email or by letter to Campo Grande, 25, Bloco E, 2º Piso, 1749-099 Lisboa): right to present exhibitions. [3] To be exercised before the supervisory authority (in particular the National Data Protection Commission): right to lodge a complaint. [4] To be exercised before the competent courts: right to legal action and compensation in the event of a breach of their rights.

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